Everybody wants to live in Century Buildings and probably our most requested development amongst lots of our prospective tenants especially our big corporate clients. With a location that is hard to beat and a highly efficient in house concierge service, this beautiful, high quality warehouse conversion mixes both the old with the new. A stunning and well designed new build tower connects through to the refurbished warehouse through a maze of suspended walkways that really has to be seen to be believed. The apartments in the converted section of Century Buildings have a real quirky New York vibe going on where as the units in the new build phase are a little more contemporary. Apartments situated on the rear of the building offer picturesque waterside views down the river Irwell, to the front of the building you will find splendid views over St. Marys Gardens. Most of the apartments in Century Buildings are owned by homeowners so when an apartment comes up for rent it is usually rented the very same day!